Friday, June 27, 2014

Thrift Store Finds

I do a lot of our clothes shopping at thrift stores, and you might be surprised at what you can find.

1) A pair of Levi jeans, and camo pants for Row.
2) Another pair of Levi jeans, and camo pants for Red Ant.
3) Woodland camo shorts, and desert camo fatigues for Daddy.
4) An M-65 Desert camo field jacket for $12.00

The total cost for all of the pants, shorts, and jacket was about $30.00. I'll probably do some garage sales and see if I can stretch our clothing allowance even more.

Keep Right On Prepping - K


  1. Great deals, especially considering those blue jeans are Levi's

  2. Congratulations! I wish I could get hubby to shop thrift shops more, but occasionally is better than not at all.
    Enjoy and have a great weekend!

  3. I ♥ thrift shopping. You got some good stuff. I hope you guys are having a girl, then you can buy pink camo (: The boys haven't spilled the beans yet?

  4. I like thrift stores. Sometimes you can find treasures for little cost.

  5. @All - to find the good deals,you gotta hunt for them.
