Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Rounding It Out

I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. I've finished up this crazy semester of eleven hours, working full time, rental house, and family life. I did fairly well academically. I got 100% in my Current Issues in Healthcare, which was an exercise in free-style ranting writing. I felt that it was wasted money for a three hour course, but it did help my GPA and I got to spew my thoughts on a whole new crew of people. My MRI procedures class is finished, and I'm waiting for her to grade my "senior thesis". My senior thesis was a twelve page APA-style paper on epilepsy. I've also extended my MRI practicum into the summer, since a few of the protocols we don't do at work such as: adrenals, MRA of venous system of brain, gallbladder, liver, and other abdominal organs. I'll need to provide slave labor at a university sponsored hospital to collect all of the necessary routines for the MRI class.

The boys are doing well. Red Ant has earned his door back. The Doctor is 9 months old and walking around the couch and coffee table....He'll be walking on his own before ten months! Row, my brilliant third grader, is reading on a seventh grade reading level, and doing math on a fifth grade level. It is kinda bitter sweet to think that my nine year old is reading above the national reading average.

Prepping has been on a stand still. No new progress to report or cool gear to review. The doctor's food, formula, and diaper budget has pretty much taken care of any extra money.

Sweetheart and I have been co-leading a Dave Ramsey class at church. I'm loving teaching other people to get prepared for financial emergencies. Let's face it. Everyone will have money trouble, and learning how to get out of debt, and stay on a budget is the best way to protect you and your family.

Enjoy the customary photo with each post....

Keep Right On Prepping - K


  1. I thought you were finished with school last semester and already had a new job in your field?

    Babies are expensive so I understand why you would have to hold out on prep building for a bit.

    1. I completed my Associates in radiography degree, which is a 95 hour degree, I'm finishing up the last 25 hours for my Bachelor of Science in MRI. I only need to finish 8 more hours!!! I'll be able to sign my name K BSRT (MR)(R)(ARRT) when I'm done. I still have my MRI job, and still loving it.

  2. I wondered if you were dead or what? Glad to see you back.

  3. Whew! Was afraid you'd moved to Mongolia! Sound like all goes well in your very busy life. Best wishes in finishing your degree and earning all those letters!
