Thursday, October 29, 2015

Presidential Prediction 2016

I'm going to make my predictions for the next Presidential election cycle.

On the republican side, Ted Cruz.

Hispanic descend, well positioned politically, and from a large electoral state. He'll need a non-southern running mate for more domestic appeal.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton.

Good name recognition, a political machine since Bill Clinton was president, aspirations since Slick Willy was governor of Arkansas, moved to New York as soon as possible for home field advantage in electoral college.

I'm calling the Presidential Election winner to Hillary Clinton.

My reasoning:
  • Female - going to play the female card reasoning for president. Hey, the race card worked for Obummer!
  • A huge political machine that has been refined from the original Clinton campaign, and refined for Hillary since fleeing the backwoods of Arkansas.
  • Bill Clinton is highly regarded by the black community, and she'll use that connect to widen her voter base.
  • Socialist, which means the non-productive members of society will vote to continue the "free lunches" available through the Democratic party. This is my main reason for my prediction. America has been lost without a huge fundamental change in the voter base.

This is a preparedness blog so here are a few thoughts to counter her future plans for America.
  1. Decouple from the banking system by using cash whenever possible, less tracking of your personal purchases. 
  2. Purchase (or have purchased) at least one gun through a private seller with no government records.
  3. Purchase ALL ammo WITH CASH. No one needs to know how much ammo you have stored. 
  4. Eliminate debt as much as possible. Taxes are going to increase, I'll take any wagers on this one.
  5. Reduce your total cost of living, and set back cash out of the banking system for emergencies. Think Crete.
  6. Purchase any gun magazines that you want or will want in the future. The anti-gun establishment will not relent. A 30 round mag might be worth $100 very soon.
  7. Reduce your voluntary tax exposure. Stop smoking. Drink at home. Eat at home more often. Look at different ways to reduce your tax bills. Tune up your car (less gas tax).
  8. Buy some junk silver or precious metals. If it's not in your possession, then it not really yours.

Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome, but be civil. Any new items added to the "Prepare for Hillary" list will be credited to you. Thanks in advance.

Keep Right On Prepping - K

Friday, October 9, 2015

Chasing My Own Tail

I've been quite busy with life. Red Ant has joined the Cub Scouts, so Mondays I get to relax about 8:00 in the evening. I graduated with my Associates degree in 2014, and this is the last semester [8 hours] of college. I'm on track to graduate with high honors again. If I can get away with it, I going to decorate my gown like a third world dictator. I'll walk in May of 2017.

I was thinking this morning that they have special plates for the handicapped. Why not create a special license plate for the mentally handicapped. Considerations might include bumper stickers that declare "I'm ready for Hillary", not using the little stick on the side of the steering wheel, and other such qualifiers.

I've also been buckling down to take my national registry for MRI. This is a huge deal, and I always have test anxiety. I've found a good online interactive guide for $99.

The rent house is still for sale, and I'm ready for it to be sold at a reasonable price.

My bipolar co-worker is going to get divorced, and has found God in the process. I'm all for him being saved, but I don't want to listen to Christian rock all day and hear him quote scripture that pertains to his situation. I'd rather keep my religion like Depeche Mode - "Personal Jesus". That being said, I will listen to him, and offer some of my own life experiences that maybe he can relate to...

I'll offer some humor to close the post....

Must be a young liberal?

Love SLJ!

Keep Right On Prepping - K