Thursday, September 29, 2016

September Preparedness Month (29)

As the end nears, today's post will be mainly  miscellaneous tidbits.

Sweetheart wanted me to add that gelatin, collagen, and protein powders make excellent protein sources that aren't your standard peanut butter.

Don't forget the dominant food crops of the world, so grow, store, and experiment with new menu items.

Monsoon Matriarch, of Frugal Prep,   is a strong proponent of the Emergency Essentials orange drink mix for rounding out a more balanced diet. Link here.

In the event of a long term event, vitamins would be a good item to stockpile.

Let's not forget some of the super foods that are easily stored. Pioneer Preppy, at Small Hold,  loves his lentils which are very easy to cook and a powerhouse of nutrition. Rice, get several varieties, which is most of the world's staple food.

One task every day, one small task....for a better prepared community - K


  1. And remember that brown rice - which we prefer - doesn't store well.

    Thanks for the links and tips, I will check them out.

    I enjoyed the one for the ammo; but hubby.. ignored it? Since ammo cans are sold at every gun show and large amounts of ammo come in metal containers, he isn't so believing of not storing in them. He does agree about keeping it dry, though.

    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Good call, I think it stores about 6 months due to the amount of oil in the rice. Thanks for the reminder!

    2. Glad to help. I remember when I first found out that what makes brown rice so good makes it poor for storage. Very disappointed, haha.
